Skolan, ny...

Hejhej, sjukt längesen jag skrev!

Skickade bara in en historia idag, på engelska. Om ni inte har läst den så se här:
Eller så scrollar ni bara ner som normalt folk!
Har lite tråkigt. Gör svenska uppgift men har totalt järnsläpp så jag checkar hur läget med er  är istället?
Så, är det bra? :)
Finns det något som heter Bloggtag?
Ska se.. vänta. Nej men jag kan ta några frågor jag kommer på bara...

Vad gillar du mest med den nya skolan?
Jag gillar mina nya vänner, jag är jättenöjd över mitt rum. Jag älskar att få vara med djuren, på lektioner och även utanför. 
Man får även vara rätt fri med uppgifter och sånt, bara man håller tiden etc.
Vad gillar du inte?
Jag gillar det mesta, men det finns några människor som jag helt enkelt bara inte tål! 
En som alltid ska vara i fejset på en, och en annan som tror hon vet allt och som tar för sig för mycket. Om  man kallar henne kompis så är man helt enkelt bästisar för evigt. 
ett.....två..... tre.... fyra.... fem.... sex.... sju..... åtta.... nio.... tioooo... så.
Vad har du fått göra än så länge? 
Mycket, faktiskt. Första veckan var jag i mariebergsskogen och då fick jag rensa hönsburar, greja med djuren och vara ute med illrarna. NEJ FÖRLÅT, fettrarna(den domistiserade och tama rasen av illern).
På travet fick jag köra häst runt på en bana i skogen, mocka boxar, sela hösten och sånt.
Kan inte skriva mer frågor för jag kommer inte på mer...
Idag har jag haft bara lektioner, och sen har jag pluggat med Ida, ätit mat och sen varit i ridhuset med hennes hund :)

en historia

Denna gjorde jag i min engelska klass, kul va? :)


When I met Jack the ripper.

Once, I worked in on the stretts in London, I was a cheep girl who did everything for money, an prostitute in people mouth. Since I heard of the man who killed all these prostitutes I started to be more carefull.
But one night I was on my way home from a customer, I heard steps behind me when I was in an alley. A dry laugh and then a high yell, my own I understand about now...
The next day I woke up, in my own bed. I have no idea how I ended out there, but there I was.
At the night I was afraid, but I went to my ordinary customer to get money for food.
I had to go the same way same home as yesterday. And even as I thought that what happened yesterday only was a dream, or I wanted it to be, the thought of walking through that alleyway just frighten me even more! What if I met this man, “Jack The Ripper”? Would he kill me, like all the other prostitutes he had get his hand on. I started to take longer steps but had then to stop. My feet where burning of pain! I sat down and started to pull the high heeled shoes I had on and sighed. Blood, of course. Now I couldn’t return these shoes! I leaned to the brick wall and looked on the other wall.
 When I had been sitting for a while I heard a weak and weird noise.
A weak dripping, a shrilling cutting sound, like someone cut a piece of meet or a ham for Christmas... A weak “duh” when the knife bounced something hard in the ham, like a bone? But the weak dripping stuff made it sound weaker.

I putted my hands on my stomach who yelled of hunger and anger. “GIVE ME FOOD!” it said.
The cutting sound suddenly stopped and when I went in to chock my stomach was death silent. I sat as still as I could. But I heard, through my panic thoughts, that the dripping didn’t stop.

After a long while the cutting sound started again and I leaned forward to look what that weird sound was.

I saw a big jacked, brown, dirty and where fixed at many places. A pair of heels on a pair of good boots, if you would like to, and were strong enough, you could have kill someone with only just one kick with these boots. On the soles there was a weird dark liquid, dripping of them down in a little flood of the same liquid who followed the street.

I looked a little to the left and as fast as I could I sat my hand for my mouth to not scream like a Psycho. A head! A women head! Blond hair, she was beautiful, looked so peaceful. It looked like she was sleeping, with blood on her eyelids, like someone had dragged theirs fingers over them to closed the women’s eyes so that she couldn’t see what they did to her body. A mark in a hair like someone held in it with a bloody hand when he... I looked at her throat and was close to faint, it was cut in half!

I heard I weak bounce and the jacket started to raise. I quickly leaned back and held my breath.

I heard heavy steeps behind me who slowly approached the corner, the steps were so calm... After a crime like this?!

I saw a shoe, then the other one. And then the whole man, the dark gloves soaked in blood, the shirt who had been white one time and the brown pants. The black straggling hair and those black eyes who drilled into mine.

I was filled of a calm. I almost smiled!

Soon my guts would lie in the bag that Jack where using.

I would feel, no more pain. I smiled at Jack and he smiled to, leaning against me...

en historia

Denna gjorde jag i min engelska klass, kul va? :)


When I met Jack the ripper.

Once, I worked in on the stretts in London, I was a cheep girl who did everything for money, an prostitute in people mouth. Since I heard of the man who killed all these prostitutes I started to be more carefull.
But one night I was on my way home from a customer, I heard steps behind me when I was in an alley. A dry laugh and then a high yell, my own I understand about now...
The next day I woke up, in my own bed. I have no idea how I ended out there, but there I was.
At the night I was afraid, but I went to my ordinary customer to get money for food.
I had to go the same way same home as yesterday. And even as I thought that what happened yesterday only was a dream, or I wanted it to be, the thought of walking through that alleyway just frighten me even more! What if I met this man, “Jack The Ripper”? Would he kill me, like all the other prostitutes he had get his hand on. I started to take longer steps but had then to stop. My feet where burning of pain! I sat down and started to pull the high heeled shoes I had on and sighed. Blood, of course. Now I couldn’t return these shoes! I leaned to the brick wall and looked on the other wall.
 When I had been sitting for a while I heard a weak and weird noise.
A weak dripping, a shrilling cutting sound, like someone cut a piece of meet or a ham for Christmas... A weak “duh” when the knife bounced something hard in the ham, like a bone? But the weak dripping stuff made it sound weaker.

I putted my hands on my stomach who yelled of hunger and anger. “GIVE ME FOOD!” it said.
The cutting sound suddenly stopped and when I went in to chock my stomach was death silent. I sat as still as I could. But I heard, through my panic thoughts, that the dripping didn’t stop.

After a long while the cutting sound started again and I leaned forward to look what that weird sound was.

I saw a big jacked, brown, dirty and where fixed at many places. A pair of heels on a pair of good boots, if you would like to, and were strong enough, you could have kill someone with only just one kick with these boots. On the soles there was a weird dark liquid, dripping of them down in a little flood of the same liquid who followed the street.

I looked a little to the left and as fast as I could I sat my hand for my mouth to not scream like a Psycho. A head! A women head! Blond hair, she was beautiful, looked so peaceful. It looked like she was sleeping, with blood on her eyelids, like someone had dragged theirs fingers over them to closed the women’s eyes so that she couldn’t see what they did to her body. A mark in a hair like someone held in it with a bloody hand when he... I looked at her throat and was close to faint, it was cut in half!

I heard I weak bounce and the jacket started to raise. I quickly leaned back and held my breath.

I heard heavy steeps behind me who slowly approached the corner, the steps were so calm... After a crime like this?!

I saw a shoe, then the other one. And then the whole man, the dark gloves soaked in blood, the shirt who had been white one time and the brown pants. The black straggling hair and those black eyes who drilled into mine.

I was filled of a calm. I almost smiled!

Soon my guts would lie in the bag that Jack where using.

I would feel, no more pain. I smiled at Jack and he smiled to, leaning against me...

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